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Tuesday 9 November 2010

National exposure at last

I am returning to the blog after a long absence as a result of an article in the Sunday Telegraph praising the Rotaire Dryline for its revolutionary approach to one of the oldest problems in history - how do you dry your clothes outdoors if it's raining? It feels as if at long last the invention is reaching the mainstream. It is incredible that it has taken so long for such a simple idea to come to fruition, and be available to the public at large.

I am also negotiating with a major UK retail supplier for a deal that will get the Dryline into the main retail outlets in connection with an airer tailored to suit it, and with an Australian firm interested in introducing the idea over there. This should be an interesting year!

It is always pleasing to have customers write to me telling me how it has released them from the tyranny of wet washing - a nice result

Friday 28 May 2010

The Dryline gets recommended by Janey Lee Grace

It's a long time since I have had the free time to post a blog - mea culpa! However, the Rotaire Dryline is recommended in a new book by Janey Lee Grace, the best-selling author and Green celebrity who is regularly on Steve Wright's Radio 2 show amongst other things. Her new book is published on June 1st by Hay House, entitled "How toLook Great - and ditch the lipstick". It's not just about appearances though, or the Dryline washing line rain cover would never get featured! It reflects how all of us have a need to wash and dry clothes, and if we are expending precious resources unnecessarily to do so it is self-defeating, expensive and unethical. Especially if there is a natural carbon free alternative.
Janey uses a Dryline and it was great to meet her at the Eden Project for the Real Nappy International Nappuccino.