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Thursday 4 April 2013

Last November I won an Award for Best Product

I failed to tell you that last November I won an Award for Best Product from the Prince's Initiative for Mature Enterprise! Amazing!! And I was chosen as the supreme winner from the three different categories - Senior Entrepreneur of the Year. Not a bad title, but but would have been so much better if they had left out the "Senior" bit... :)

Apart from the personal kudos I felt, it has opened doors for me already, and in January I was featured twice on Midlands Today, the BBC regional news programme, as a result of the award. Ah well, Onward and Upwards!

On stage at the BT Conference Centre with the other Award winners. 

Social media is all the rage

Social media is all the rage these days, so I am going to link my website www.rotaire.com to Facebook, Linked In and Twitter just to get the hang of it. As you will have noticed, I have not posted a blog since 2010 - not an auspicious start! The thing is, when I'm busy selling Drylines I do not have time to lay aside for the purpose, and even when I am less busy it isn't top of the agenda of things to do.
I do hope that some people reading this will "like" my Rotaire Dryline page on Facebook, and it gives them a chance to praise or damn the product. I am told that normal sales patter and even testimonials are not adequate for the sophisticated internet user - they want the unvarnished truth.