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Sunday 27 April 2008

Investment Readiness

On Friday I attended a seminar on investment readiness, and as always I picked up a little nugget or two of information that made me think differently. One nugget was that the product often was less important than the Business Model. Normal people tend to think of an article and put a sale price on it - so in this case the Rotaire Dryline is priced from £29.99. However, smart business people would think: "How else could I get value for this item?"
Howard Hughes was the heir to the Hughes Corporation due mainly to his father's foresight in leasing his revolutionary oil drilling head rather than just selling them. Nowadays the internet will allow you to subscribe rather than selling the programme because the downstream revenue is higher than if it were simply sold outright. I have to think of other ways to sell the product in case I could find a better business model.
Another nugget was when I was talking to a lovely woman called Melanie about the difficulties of public speaking, selling a product and the Elevator Pitch. She said that you only need to make three points and one central message in the short explanation of your product, and I think she is right.
1 Everyone has a need to dry laundry.
2 Drying takes energy wherever it is done.
3 Energy is expensive and is literally costing the Earth.
MESSAGE: Get energy-free drying with the Rotaire Dryline, so every day can be a free drying day.

I also need to produce a list of Frequently Asked Questions about rotary washing lines and about the covers. For instance, Q: "What is the mesh skirt for?" A: "Because rain doesn't fall vertically." Q: "How does the mesh catch the rain?" A: "Because the holes are just the right size, and as soon as a raindrop touches the mesh its surface tension causes it to adhere and then it runs downwards under its own momentum plus gravity."

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