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Monday 28 July 2008

Every Cloud Must Have A Silver Lining

Since May, when we displayed the Rotaire at the Malvern Spring Gardening Show, sales have increased week by week. This is in no small way aided by the weather which as usual has been depressingly cold and damp. It is particularly in the summer when one wakes up and (hope srpings eternal) imagines that the entire day will be just like a summer's day. After putting the washing out and rushing out to work, to shop or to some other place one notices the storm clouds gathering and, yes! it is raining again. Returning home you find the washing wetter than before, and either dries it indoors (a total waste) or leaves it out in hope (risky). Given the consistent rain all through June some people have told me that they knew someone must make such a product and decided to track it down via Google and other search engines. Others have said that they saw it months ago, but didn't realise how much they would need it this year.

Purchasers have been very positive in their feedback, and one purchaser heard about the Dryline on the radio. He said he heard a phone-in programme where they asked for anyone who was doing something for the first time to ring in. A lady called to say that she had just hung her washing out in the rain and was sitting indoors watching it dry. He was so impressed that he tracked the Rotaire office down on the net and bought one. Another excellent place to display them has been at CAT, the Centre for Alternative Technology in Macchynlleth, Wales. Many buyers have seen it on show there and taken our leaflet. The best way is to log into http://www.rotaire.com/ and watch the videos. The new one spells out exactly why it is so efficient and ecologically desirable, while the Dry Humour silent film and the Rotaire Demonstration show how easy it is to erect and use the Dryline washing cover.


As a result of all this activity, at last the company bank balance is in positive territory, and long may it remain so. The next major hurdle is paying for the International Patent Territories, which is very expensive, and I want to pin down as much as I can, because these rotaries are in widespread use on all five continents. All of them have one flaw - it still rains!

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