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Sunday 14 September 2008

A long wet summer

If anything, this summer has been more miserable than last summer here in the UK. Certainly in Malvern we have experienced record rainfall through August and into September, with barely a glimpse of sun or moon through the overcast skies. The plants have put all their energy into growth and not into flower or fruit, and I only saw one bee all summer! Yet some people still insist that global warming/climate change is not happening - and happening rather fast.
I got an e-mail to a list of prominent Greens (although I don't know why I was included) from a man in America who insisted the the Physical Society had changed their opinion (50,000 scientists can't be wrong!) and now thought it was "not proven." He insisted that we Greens had no proof; where were our double blind trials, etc etc. He really ranted, if emails can rant. When I responded that he was clutching at straws he went as far as quoting me and giving out my personal details! Then he ranted again.
I decided to check the Physical Society website where I found that they had not (contrary to an internet rumour) changed their opinion but held fast to their view that the changes were moving fast. I wrote to him quoting the website and politely suggested he should get his facts right. I have not had a reply...
Here in Malvern we are establishing a Transition group, to enable the community to adjust to the new circumstances in their own way in advance of the changes to come.
My contribution, the Rotaire Dryline, is now available in 32 different shapes and sizes to enable people easily to dry their washing without using energy or finding their washing wetter than when it went on the line. It has sold very well through the summer and purchasers have all expressed happiness at finding a solution to a lifelong problem. This summer has been an excellent proving ground, and they will find that it works in winter too. However, I expect that sales will drop off in winter, as the British tend not to think about their gardens until Spring. I hope I am wrong because it would make a significant (4 million tonnes of CO2) contribution if tumble driers weren't used - and that is just in this country.

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