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Friday 16 October 2009

Dry lines in dry weather

The phenomenally dry weather through September and into this month has not improved sales! However, they are ticking along at a reasonable pace and I am waiting for a breakthrough in the shape of a media coup. I can't say what it is, but I am sure it will put the Dryline on the mainstream map. There are three irons in the fire at present, and surely one will come to fruition soon, if that is not mixing the metaphor too much.
I am working on an adaptor that will potentially cut my range down to half its present level by allowing all airers to use the preferred Classic version of the Dryline. The drawings will have to be turned into a CAD file that the mould makers can use.
The bureaucracy involved in business these days is in my view excessive; certainly enough to stifle a lot of development that otherwise would have time to be done. The accounts for last year and the VAT return have taken up hours and hours of tedious labour, and getting the right software to deal with the orders is a nightmare that I have yet to be free of. Ordering the amount of stock you think you will need three months in advance is also very trying, and of course impossible...
But it's an interesting game.

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