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Saturday 21 June 2008

Time passes

I have been really busy, which is why I have not written for a while. This is a brief note to explain that sales have been growing steadily. It has been a matter of time making the web presence strong enough to reach the potential customer for the Rotaire Dryline. I think I have now reached that threshold, and with energy prices going through the roof it makes the Dryline a good purchase for next winter.
My partner has taken part in filming for the BBC programme on inventors, Dragon's Den, but there is an embargo until the interview is broadcast and I can't say more. Very exciting. I have had a new video advert made for the Rotaire explaining all the cost benefits - which after all affects more people than the "green" side of the invention, despite the increase in awareness. It also features a beautiful young woman, who is a lot easier on the eye than I am. I showed the product at an Eco Fair in West Bridgford, Nottingham for the lovely Karina Wells of Eco List and received a lot of great feedback (but no sales). I also visited the Centre for Alternative Technology in Machynlleth to see it on display in their Eco House garden, where it looked great!
While cash flow is very poor and I can't buy items I want to add to the range the outlook is good as sales are steadily increasing. I will write more soon.

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