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Sunday 28 December 2008

The Breakthough!

Thank you Chris Evans and Foxy! My best Christmas present was on the 5th December when I went to London to be interviewed on the Chris Evans Show. It was very lucky to be on Drivetime Radio 2 at the beginning of the Christmas season; on a friday evening at 6.30. It could hardly have been bettered. My three minutes of fame were very pleasant and barely intimidating at all. Chris genuinely thinks I am going to be very rich.
I spent the rest of the night over a bottle of brandy with a good old friend called Nigel, who I haven't seen for years, and I woke in the morning to a call from my wife saying that the website had crashed; a customer had phoned to tell us about it. I rushed home to find that it had indeed exceeded its bandwidth in one night! It meant that a lot of people were unable to see the product, but I already had more orders than I had had in the previous month! I got the site back up when the host site returned to work on monday morning and the orders just kept coming. It was only two days before Christmas that I was able to stop, amd take breath. Since then I have enjoyed a full Family Christmas with my delightful family and partners and I am feeling well replenished for the next stage of the development of the Dryline.
If you want people to know about something these days you have to shout very loud and get a vast crowd of people to hear you; the proof is in this brief window of time. Three minutes exposure equals three weeks of work. I have had wonderful feedback from the customers, genuinely pleased to hear of someone working against the tide of depression and bad news, who has a simple yet effective idea, one which some of them had envisaged but not carried through, and one which simple stunned others with its obviousness.
Thank you all for buying from me, and trusting in the change it can make to your lives. It works!

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