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Tuesday 13 January 2009

Into the New Year with a bang!

I usually can't get going until the second week of the New Year, can't remember to write the correct year on cheques, that sort of thing. This year was different. I crashed into it well refreshed, though slightly hung over, and started work with relish. Plenty of orders to process!
I've made enough this month to pay the heavy fees to keep the Intenational Patent cover in force, and even got an Australian patent application in place. Australia is the home of the rotary airer - probably their only invention, so it seemed right to take the Rotaire to them.
The next problem is to get through the winter, when people don't think of drying outside and sales will be low. If only they realised: some new users found they could dry their clothes in the sub-zero temperatures we we've been experiencing this Season. The problem after that is to afford new stock, as levels are dangerously low on some sizes, and completely out on others. However, I seem to be faring surprisingly well in this Global Squeeze (why won't anyone call it a slump? It clearly is!) so long may my good luck continue.
Oh yes, I got a call from a buyer at Argos too...

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