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Wednesday 22 July 2009

Summer is passing!

Is it really two months since I last visited this hallowed page? Yes, I am afraid so.
What have I been doing, you might ask (if anyone ever looked at this meagre blog).
I have been incredibly busy, I am behind with the accounts, my other patent work has gone onto the back burner and the Dryline takes up nearly all of my waking hours. Other wise everything is just tickety boo.
I passed the thousandth sale point last week; over a thousand happy customers are using my invention - and they keep telling me how much they like it! Now to move into the larger market; a new integrated website to take the pain out of processing orders, a new version to sell cheaply enough to enter the retail market, a much-overdue price rise and hire an apprentice to learn the online retail trade. Alan Sugar eat your heart out!

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