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Monday 17 March 2014

Rotaire at the Ideal Home Show

1.00 I took a flu pill an hour ago with tea, and I’ve woken up a lot. Caffeine is the energizer. A man just asked if I had been on Dragon’s Den and we had quite a long talk. He took the details and said he would get his radio station to call; radio Time FM107.5 for a chat to talk about Dragons’ Den and to plug the product- they’re actively looking for people to interview and provide content. Another couple of ladies interested themselves in the idea, though one was a hardened “straightliner” – or fool, as we call them. I can understand it aesthetically but practically it’s a no-no. By half past it has gone a bit quieter, less people moving through my field of vision so I go to engage the Canny Cap lads opposite; two pleasant Asian types from Romford way. We talk about how fried we’re going to be after 17 days. It’s very easy to burn out.

Lunchtime; it’s time for me to eat the sandwich Jane made for me, bless her. She’s taken such good care of me, making sure I know where to park, feeding me, letting me and Fran have her bed. Just as I make the decision, more people pass and show interest. After a while I can eat and drink, then I try lurking in the stall opposite, hiding behind the forest of 6’ giraffes for £49. Then I pounce on a mother and daughter who’re taking an interest and persuade them to take the information away with them. Quite a number of overheard “what a good idea” comments are overheard as I sit typing. It is now 2.15 and the gangway is more busy again. I shall stand proudly outside and dare anyone to make derogatory comments. I don’t find that standing in the aisle is productive. I think people see me hovering and instantly look the other way. Perhaps it is the uniform (I’m wearing the Rotaire official fleece) that alerts or deters them, so I’ll take it off and see what occurs.

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