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Sunday 30 March 2014

Day 15 at the Ideal Home Show

Friday is Day 15, and my energy is definitely fading, like a battery that has been doing its job for too long. However Sully, one of the Romford lads, made me feel ashamed of my lacklustre performance by getting a woman to take interest, that I had not engaged at all. As a result I upped my game and was active for several hours, calling my wares like Molly Malone. It was very productive and I got more leaflets distributed than nearly any other day.  By half past four, though, the steam had gone and I was yawning regularly.

Day 16 Saturday was very busy, and people were enthusiastically engaging with me and the product so time passed very quickly. Towards the end of the day I was getting tired and couldn’t wait to leave. A short tube journey would take me to the Angel Islington to meet my wife and daughter for a lovely meal at the Gate vegetarian restaurant. The food was as good as I had been told, and the combinations of flavours were exquisite. I had tomato stuffed pepper followed by tortillas stuffed with a variety of vegetables and spices on a bed of guacamole and topped off by an orange flavoured crème brulee; delicious. The back to Janes with Fran as fast as possible because we would lose an hour’s sleep due to the time change to British Summer Time.

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