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Thursday 20 March 2014

Ideal Home Show day 5

Day 5 Tuesday was a little busier than the Monday in my opinion, but it is very subjective if you sample the views of all the exhibitors – which vary a lot. The lad on the Canny Cap stall thought it was busier yesterday. To be honest, it seems either to be frantically busy or completely quiet by turns. It was a pleasure today when I had attracted a lady’s attention and she opened her eyes wide and said what a fantastic idea it was; in fact that she had been waiting for years for someone to invent such a thing. She would definitely get one!

There are many people today who either have a straight line or else don’t have space for a rotary line; some living in flats and some whose garden is too small. At Country Fairs and Garden Shows it is not a comment that we’ve heard much, and this is a sign of the difference between town and country, especially London and country. Naturally in the capital where land is scarce and highly prized the space for a rotary airer becomes a luxury.

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