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Monday 17 March 2014

Rotaire at the Ideal HomeShow III

Well, that was an interesting hour or so! I have sold a Concerto and taken the money by card. I think the new look may help. A lady from Epsom who I’d talked to previously returned and expressed an interest in buying now. I always get nervous and wish that the process took less time when I take an order by card; even when I’m on my home computer rather than on a dodgy mobile link while the customer stands around telling me their details. So, on with the show. Another lady went away very certain she would get a Concerto as well, though her friend liked the sun to get to her washing. A man stared at it and asked “Has no-one else ever thought of this?” “Loads of people have thought of it,” I said “but they haven’t ‘done’ it. They’ve used tarpaulin pegged to the corners, or fitted a parasol over the line, but they haven’t done it.” We went on to talk about other sales drivers apart from the rain: he leaves his washing out until it dries, but then in Devon where he lives you don’t get the pollution. Not everyone is so patient.

So now it’s 4.00pm and if anything it is slowing down. The Romford boys are looking a bit distracted. I finish my tea and sarnie. I still haven’t been to the toilet since the show started; pretty good going! I’m going to see if I can go the distance. A lady walks by, puzzled: “What are they selling?” She said. I indicate the roof over my head, much like an airline stewardess with the exit doors: two at the front and two at the back… “Ah, I get it,” she says and moves on. “I’ve seen that one at CAT” says another. Another lady with a strong East End accent says “You were on…” “Dragon’s  Den,” I said, finishing the sentence for her as she tried to remember the name of the programme. As it is quieting down I lend my second chair to the taller Romford boy and we talk for a while. He likes the giraffes but he can’t have one in his house; “A religious thing, nothing with eyes, it’s bad luck.” He says. 

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