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Thursday 27 March 2014

The Thirteenth Day

Day 13 Wednesday dawned and I felt quite rested when I woke. The day was chill but bright as I walked to the tube and I got a couple of phone calls while walking, which cheered me up. I mused on the tube. In the carriage there are so many personal worlds: books, magazines, newspapers, kindle e-books, smart phones, i-pads (watching Star Trek!), headphones listening to music, podcasts, downloads. Probably no two people doing the same thing, all to separate themselves from their cramped companions, and to drown the whine of the motors and the scream of the wheels; a Velvet Underground.

The show started slowly but by midday was quite busy. We are open today until 7.00 to welcome Prince Charles. I hope he passes me by as I can ask if he has used the airer and Dryline that I sent him for Kate and William’s boy. Sean came again to discuss some more points of business and left at about 3.00 to catch the plane back to Dublin. I left him to do some selling but I don’t think he was really very comfortable doing it; it makes me think perhaps he’s not the man for the job.

Prince Charles actually did arrive after 6 and was still talking to various people when I left at 7.00, but he never toured our area and the throng was cordoned off in front of his show houses, made from traditional green ecological materials to higher than Regulation standards. He was also front page news today about the housing shortage in the country, and London in particular, talking about the same housing stock – but there was no mention of the Ideal Home Show. The PR department must have been asleep on the job.

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