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Monday 24 March 2014

Day 8 at the Ideal HomeShow

Day 8, Friday. After the rain last night it was a bright clean sunny day as I walked to the tube this morning, and when the train arrived the carriages were unexpectedly vacant, with seats available in most carriages so I was able to listen to Leonard Cohen comfortably seated all the way to Earls Court. The Show also started gently, with little footfall before 10.30; quite different to previous days, giving almost a holiday feel to the day. Perhaps a lot of people take a long weekend and so lighten the load on public transport.

After a few hours it became apparent that I shouldn’t have had the second glass of wine last night, and I was not on top form. I’ll have to sleep well tonight to meet the weekend onslaught. Bad weather is forecast so there’s no disincentive to attend, as there was last weekend with the lovely hot weather. By the time the end came and I had to go to Paddington station to meet my wife, who was coming to help me each weekend, I was feeling totally exhausted. I had to wait half an hour for her delayed train so I headed straight to the pub on the platform for a reviving pint. Then an early night was in order.

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