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Monday 17 March 2014

Rotaire Dryline at the Ideal Home Show Day 2

On day 2 I started under a handicap. Although Fran was now with me I had a bad night’s sleep due to the late meal and too much wine on the previous evening. We had met our daughter and Jane to eat at a little Italian restaurant in Islington – lovely food – but as usual I had imbibed rather too much wine to sleep beyond 4.00, so I spent a frustratingly long time lying awake. I had a nasty hangover by the time we arrived at the Show but we managed. Interest was much the same as yesterday but with so many more people that it was clear they were often being borne along on the tide of humanity past the stall without ever noticing it, or identifying what we were selling.

I took the time to go up the escalator to the Food area in the afternoon to sample the sausages and cheese, but even that didn't taste right. It was absolutely crammed with people, a solid mess of roiling humans heading in every direction under the sun. If you can imagine a packed tube full of people but all of whom are able to move in every direction then you will be getting close to the reality. We didn't make any actual sales but had several definitely interested and determined to measure their airers. I checked so emails in the morning but found the signal too poor for the system to be easily usable, and Outlook was not connecting because the password for the server had changed. With half an hour to go it is now quiet and we’re just waiting to get away at 6.00. A quiet, early night, without drinking, sounds perfect to me now.

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